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Conditional formatting at pivot table for rangking

good morning henrywinta this link came up from the search box top right.

Hi Bobhc,

Thanks for your replying, I think that answer is not am looking for.

For example, Top 10 rank product best seller

Product | This Week | Last Week | Last Month

A 1 1 2

B 2 3 5

C 3 2 1

and the report is pivot table.

I want to add icon (conditional formating)increase/decrease for this week vs last week, last week vs last month.

so, as a visual, I know which one product increasing or decreasing just looking the icon.

I've already tried using the conditional formating and using fomulas if this week larger than last week will be increase and icon up (green) show up. But nothing happen, I guess I am missing something.

Can you help me ?


Henrywinata, do you mean some thing like the upload
