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Conditional Formating/ IF Function


New Member
I need to determine if an employee passed or failed an exam, this is the current formula that I am using;

=IF(J2>=90, "P", IF(J2>=80, "N", IF(J2<=79, "F", )))

Now I want the response (P, F, N) to show up a specific color, for example: Red = Fail, Green = Pass, Yellow = Needs Improvement.

I want the result to all be in the same cell. Any suggestions?
Welcome Holmes!

the IF function looks fine... (though, if those are the only 3 options you could shorten it to:

=IF(B7>=90, "P", IF(B7>=80, "N", "F"))

either way, all you'd need to do is setup the Conditional Formatting.

Select the cells where this formula is going to.

Go to Condtional Formatting and you'll set up 4 'condtions'.

if the selected cells =p, whatever shading your want.

if the cell contains N, other desired formatting

and so on.