Running into a bit of a head-scratcher... i've come along way on my own and am wondering if this last step is possible; thus i come and post.
I have a list of enteries (numbers) each day that represents the number of 'clicks' a printer has made (each page printed is a click). so hypothetically, the numbers should always be growing (click counter is not reversible). however, as you all very well know it is not a perfect world and people will make typo's from time to time. so i had the idea of using conditional formatting to help highlight possible typos.
Here's a sample of data for 2 printers:
here is where i am so far with the CF formula:
this will format a cell if it is either greather than the cell below it or less than the cell above it...
the numbers followed by the astric/star/* symbol are currently formatted to my little hearts desire and so far, these are all correctly formatted.
the last step im trying to achieve (not interested in going the SQL route) is to not highlight the cells followed by a blank cell. I marked these numbers with the ! symbol.
I have a list of enteries (numbers) each day that represents the number of 'clicks' a printer has made (each page printed is a click). so hypothetically, the numbers should always be growing (click counter is not reversible). however, as you all very well know it is not a perfect world and people will make typo's from time to time. so i had the idea of using conditional formatting to help highlight possible typos.
Here's a sample of data for 2 printers:
78573096 37354290
28762217* 37537362
78830242 37660976
78968375* 37783463
78523526* 79071335*
79320352 38072215*
79396308 38152449
79527335 38232743
79898988 38510548
79990310 38622526
80104550 38746925*!
80515403 39055884
80628359 39163786*!
80775809 39332556
80867742 39422762
81183530 39624664
81630759*! 39930031*!
here is where i am so far with the CF formula:
this will format a cell if it is either greather than the cell below it or less than the cell above it...
the numbers followed by the astric/star/* symbol are currently formatted to my little hearts desire and so far, these are all correctly formatted.
the last step im trying to achieve (not interested in going the SQL route) is to not highlight the cells followed by a blank cell. I marked these numbers with the ! symbol.