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Conditinal formating for negative


I Have 4 Sheets in the work book



INV Sheets can have negative numbers

I applies conditinal formula for know the number where closing is greater than Opening +Invoicing

But as there are ngative invoicing that is been in the conditnal format.

For your refernce i am attaching the sample file

Please help.



  • Book1.xlsx
    10.1 KB · Views: 4
Hi Mohandas...

Can you please elaborate your problem a bit more. It is not clear what you want. In your file you have already applied the conditional formatting.

In invoicing sheet -5 is so RDBN iam getting -5 i dont need to correct it for AMC

But for ABN opening+ invoicing =20 but closing is 30 which is not right i need that to be highlighted.

ideally only ABN needs to be highlighted.

Hope it is clear.
conditional format in the rdbn sheet should check for less than zero and it need to check in invoice is there any negative value if negative value are there it should not apply condtional format.
Basically i need the the numbers to be highlighted in the rdbn sheet where the closing which are above(Sum of opening and invoicing) and at the same the if rdbn sheets negative numbers is because of negative numbers in inv sheets then there is no need to format it
Hi Mohandas,

Use this formula in Conditional formatting


See the attached file.



  • Book1-2.xlsx
    10.6 KB · Views: 6

I had checked the file I had uploaded, and the CF formula is there and its working. Kindly Select the cell B1 on RBDN sheet and than go to Manage rule in CF, OR go to manage rule in CF and from the top drop down select current sheet.
