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Concatenate excluding blanks


New Member

I have a row of data which I need to concatenate with a ; between each value. Unfortunately I have blanks in my data.

Please could you help I have tried to search for an answer to this but cannot find anything

data 4 blank cell 8 25 blank cell blank cell 1 2 blank cell


my output is 4; ;8;25; ; ;1;2; but I dont want the extra ;

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks and Regards :)
Hi Chart68,
What you can do is (instead of the semicolon) use a space, trim it and then substitute the space for a semicolon. Something like this:
=SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(CONCATENATE(N2," ",O2," ",P2," ",Q2," ",R2," ",S2," ",T2," ",U2," ",V2))," ",";")
Thank you you are a star, you have saved me a lot of time as I was trying all sorts of ways.

Thanks again :)
Hi Chart68,

You have your data from N2 across V2 with some blanks, so here is a simple method.

Cell N3 update the formula"=N2"(without the ")
Cell O3 "=IF(O2<>"",N3&";"&O2,N3)"
select O3 to V3 and hit Ctrl+ R (fillright)

Hope this helps....
Hi Abhi, I tried this but just seem to be getting lots of ; where not needed but dont worry it might be me :( Im just glad Ive got a solution.

Thanks again