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CONCATENATE command Excel

Mukesh Katara

New Member
If dates appear in DD-MM-YYYY and MM-DD-YYYY in a range of data and sorting chronologically is required, use DAY, MONTH and YEAR commands to split the dates and then use CONCATENATE command to merge them and format the final output cells as DATE cells.
Hi Mukesh,

Welcome to the forum..

We all first came to this site only to resolve our own problem.. then got satisfied result and fall in love with this site.. and started sharing..

I would like to WELCOME someone from the bottom of my heart, who post his/her first post, not for his/her problem, but solution for other, doesn't matter how small or vital knowledge.. :)

Wish you a happy journey with us..

Keep sharing..



A2=Basic Date 14/05/12

B2=Day = =DAY(A2)

C2=Monty = =MONTH(A2)

D2=Year = =YEAR(A2)

E2=Merge Date = =DATE(D2,C2,B2) or

E2=Merge Date = =DATEVALUE(CONCATENATE(B2&"/"&C2&"/"&D2)) Press Ctrl+Shift+#

