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Complicated Look Up (without making changes to the values in the table)

Hello Excel Folks,

Please see attached. I need a formula to do a complicated look up. When you open the file, you will notice some blank cells in the table, which should remain as it is

THanks in advance.

Excel Dumbo

Link for the file


Download at SpeedyShare
Hi ,

You can use this formula in C2 :


Hi Narayan, As always , you show me light at the end of the tunnel. The formula works great. However I have one request. The file that I had attached is part of a massive file I am working on. Is it possible to select the whole column as array range (in index formula) rather than specific values ? That is selecting I:I instead of $I$9:$I$18

Thanks Narayan. Appreciate your effort.
Hi ,

I am not sure , but on the data that is present in your file , even this works :


Hi Narayan, I tired and it's giving me #NUM error

please see file in the below link


I am using Excel 2003, hence used Ctrl+Shif+Error around your formula.

Hi ,

The problem is that Excel did give an error message when I was saving the file in Compatibility mode ; can you use a .xlsx file ? If so , download this :


Or , use this formula , and copy down :


It works like magic now. I guess i should ditch my Excel 2003 and go for some thing above that version

THanks a lot narayan. U r the best