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Complicated %Diff Formula


Hello all,

I have a dashboard almost complete but I have a small problem. I want my %difference formula to do a few things. For example;

Ex. 2010 Vs. 2009.

If 2010 is >1 and 2009=0 then I want the Difference to show 100%

If 2010=0 and 2009=<1 then I want the difference to show -100%

If 2010=0 and 2009=0 then I want the difference to show 0%

If 2010 is >1 and 2009>1 then it should just be straightforward((10-09)/09)

If 2010 is >1 and 2009<1 then I can't just do what is mentioned directly above^ because it brings back the wrong % because the 2009 is a negative.

If 2010 is <1 and 2009 <1 then I run into the same problem as mentioned above ^.

Has anyone run into this issue before? Here is what I have so far but I can't add anymore too it because it says it is too long.


Therefore I am coming to you guys for help! Who knew such a simple formula could be so complex.
Please define

1. the "problem" with the >1 on 2010 and <1 on 2009. if there is a decrease then there is a decrease.

2. what "ideal" results you want to see. are you seeking an absolute value from the computation? Then you need to use ABS().
Hi, Montrey!

I've just checked in the Excel Help and you can nest up to 64 IF instructions, in Excel 2010. I rememeber to had a problem with nested ifs with a limit of 8, but it was with Excel 2002 or 2003. I used 2007 but I didn't got an error and I don't know how many I nested.

What version are you using?

Do you get an error while nesting IFs or you'd like a nice formula to accomplish the job?

I am using excel 2003.

I can't add anymore arguments to the formula mentioned in my original post. So I was wondering if there was an easier to way to do it. What it boils down to, is I don't want errors to be displayed and I dont want huge percentages to be displayed either. nothing greater than 1000%or -1000%. Also when dealing with differences or variance as it sometimes referred there are errors.

For example. A=1500 B=-2500

If I were to take the A and B and put them into a %difference formula of (A-b)/b. I would get an answer that is not correct because of B being negative.

Thanks for any help towards solving this problem!
Hi, Montrey!

Check this table:

2009	2010	Desired	Formula
0	2	100%	100%
1	0	-100%	-100%
0	0	0%	0%
2	3	50%	50%
0,5	2	300%	300%
0,25	0,5	100%	100%

Although you haven't defined all the possible values, I wrote down this cases and got the same output. The formula is:

=SI(A2=0;SI(B2=0;0;SI(B2>1;1;B2));(B2-A2)/A2) -----> in english: =IF(A2=0,IF(B2=0,0,IF(B2>1,1,B2)),(B2-A2)/A2)

Maybe this will help.


0........0 I need 0.0% displayed

200......0 I need 100% displayed

0........200 I need -100% displayed

300......100 I need 200% displayed

-100.....200 I need -150% displayed

200.....-100 I need 300% displayed

-200....-100 I need -100% displayed

0.......-200 I need 100% displayed

-200.......0 I need -100% displayed

the % displayed i am referring too is the % difference between Year 2 and 1.
Hi, Montrey!

The previous formula worked for every case except last.

Here's the new one that includes it.

=SI(B2=0;SI(A2=0;0;SI(A2>1;1;SIGNO(A2)));(A2-B2)/ABS(B2)) -----> in english: =IF(B2=0,IF(A2=0,0,IF(A2>1,1,SIGN(A2))),(A2-B2)/ABS(B2))

WoW!!! you are awesome! Amazing!

I never knew about the Sign function! Thank you so much! So much cleaner and easier!

Hi, Montrey!

Very kind your last comment, but there's no secret.

I only read your definitions, wrote them on a worksheet, and began playing with the formulas. As there are all independent cases, each time I had the formula working for one of them, I copied it to all the rest. A column Difference help me a little (yes, a little, but very little... I think I'm a little lazy).

Here's the link:


If your definitions had been exact and covered all the possible cases from the beginning (I'm neither blaming you nor making a complaint, just resuming what happened), with the cells in yellow it should have been enough. When you added the new examples, I followed the same procedure: adapt for one, copy to all, check if differences. One step at a time. And there appeared the SIGN function! Of course, previous formatting output as percentage.

Glad to having helped you. Just advise if any trouble.
