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Compile error : Array already dimensioned

curious K

New Member
Dim GrpTot(1, 2)
'Col 1 : Amt
'Col 2 : row no for Where to put
'col 3 : Column no for where to put

GrpTot(0, 0) = 4896.00
GrpTot(0, 1) = 5
GrpTot(0, 2) = 2

Sheets("Summary").Cells(GrpTot(0, 2), GrpTot(0, 1)) = GrpTot(0, 0)

ReDim Preserve GrpTot(2 To 2)

GrpTot(0, 0) = 12541.00
GrpTot(0, 1) = 5
GrpTot(0, 2) = 18

Sheets("Summary").Cells(GrpTot(0, 2), GrpTot(0, 1)) = GrpTot(0, 0)

Error occured at ReDim syntax
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Compile error:

Array already dimensioned
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Your bad : variable is first fixed declared in two dimensions
so you can't preserve & redim it within a single dimension
as explained in VBA help !

Just use a single dimension variable, no need to redim it …

And you even do not need this variable type for this kind of stuff !
Sorry for this question,
I'm new to VBA

Dim GrpTot() As Variant

ReDim GrpTot(1,2)
Problem is solved

To define a dynamic array, don't Dim it with a size: like Dim GrpTot(1,2) only create with GrpTot() it will create Dynamic array.