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How do I compare the contents of two different excel files or Excel sheets and find the difference.

Eg. I have a master project tracker and others in the company edit and or make changes in it and send it back to me.

I need to update my master project tracker with the changes they have made in the tracker and send it to me.

This is very urgent and important.

Good day gg.1980

1 Open Excel and use "File," and then "Open" to open the first file to use for comparison.

2 While the first document is still open, use "File," and then "Open" to open the second file.

3 Select the "View" tab, and then select "New Window."

4 Select "View Side by Side."

Doing it this way will lock the scroll bars in both sheets together so that when you scroll in on the other autoscrolls
Also, if you use the custom Google search in top-right of these pages, you'll find that Chandoo has written several articles about comparing lists/files.