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Comparing one target row to a source table (8RowsX9Columns) and returns a string


New Member
Hi All,

I want a formula which return a string/cell value after comparing target row(consists of 12 columns) with source table (10 rows x 13 columns). This means if all the values of target row is matching with any of the 10 rows of the source table, it should return the first column value.

I can give the excel file if required.


Hi nimesh8310,

Welcome to the forums, there are several thread available on this forum that discusses matching under several criteria, it would be helpful if you search this forum for that.

You can:

Combine various criteria using "&" in a helper column. like this:

=C2&D2&E2&F2&G2&H2&I2&J2&K2&L2&M2&N2 This combines 12 columns into one

Check for Match with this formula:


If unable to understand, upload a sample file and it can be fixed.



You can check for
Thanks Faseeh for the warm welcome & quickest response...

I understand your point...problme is solved now...

thanks a tons....

