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Comparing Data


New Member

I have the requirement to compare data in different worksheets. The data is mainly similar but I need to identify what's unique in each and also what's the same.

The data consists of part numbers (which can also contain alphas). The data that is the same may also then differ by way of the actual quantity specified for it.

I have done some vlookup's which help but not exactly what I need (plus I'm no excel expert ny any stretch).

I have also tried using a number of aftermarket applications which work up to a point but I end up getting stuck with the parts that although the same, have differing quantities...

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Hi bartman,

I would use vlookup to compare the two lists. N/A# showing that the part is not in the other sheet.

One way to compare the list and the quantities is to use CONCATENATE() and create a column containing the part numbers and the quantities. eg:


With A6 being the part number and B6 and C6 being quantities. If you create this column in both sheets you can then use vlookup to compare them.