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compare two worksheets and merge a column


New Member
I am comparing two worksheets where there is a list of user names. I want to compare and match user names. Where there is an exact match I want to pull in the corresponding password.
Something like this should do the trick:

=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(Name,ListOfNames,0)),VLOOKUP(Name,ListOfNamesAndPassword,2,FALSE),"No Match")

Note that I'm assuming the passwords are in the 2nd column. If this is not the case, adjust the 3rd argument in the VLOOKUP function.
Hi, jlclouse!

Additionaly to what Luke M posted, I'd suggest -if passwords can't be blank- to change the constant "No Match" to "", just in case there's a "No Match" real password. Or leave as it is, but conditional format for UserID that doesn't exist.

Yes, sounds a little paranoic, but... users are so creative!
