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Compare Two Worksheet Data


New Member
I a master data <sheet 1> (consists of 3000 people, and unique code is the staff ID). I will send out email to all of them to get their respond. I will have a software for the survey and will get back the data on who has responded <sheet 2>.

Now I need to produce a list of people who haven't responded to the survey <sheet 3>. How can I extract this data <sheet 3>? any easy and fast way in MS Excel? thanks a lot.
Hi fionagoh,

Welcome to the forum and we glad to have you here.

Request you to provide us some more information in order to helps us understand your requirement better. Such as:

1)What is the criteria to understand who have responded to the survey?

2)Can you please provide us some example of your data layout in sheet1, 2 and 3.

However, it would be really great if you could upload a sample file here.


Hi Kaushik,

The criteria that I will get is the staff code no. example KL1235, JB2343, IP 2232 and etc.

The data that I have in Worksheet 1 & 2 will be all staff id code no.

Worksheet 1 - main database - that i sent invitation to all the staff email to answer the survey (consist of email & staff id code)

Worksheet 2 - Software will generate out the staff id code who have responded to the survey(consist of staff id code only)

Worksheet 3 - Who can I generate out/abstract out those staff id code who have not answer the survey (comparing worksheet 1 & 2).


What I understood is sheet1 contains all the IDs and sheet2 contains the IDs of the people who have responded to the survey.

The easiest way would be, in sheet1 you can write a vlookup formula comparing with sheet2 IDs.

=VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A:A,1,0) (Assuming that all codes are from A2 onwards survey responded codes are at colA of sheet2:)

Formula will throw you #N/A wherever it does not find any match.The #N/A

are nothing but the IDs who have not responded to the survey.Filter the column with #N/A and get the desired list.

Is this fine or you are looking for some other approach..?

Hi fionagoh,

Please download the below file.



Suresh Kumar S
Dear Kaushik,

Thank you vry much. This approach is helps me and i able to get the answer. However, is there any way that I can straight abstract/setting and the 'not responded' will appear in Worksheet 3? Or i need to manually copy the #N/A to worksheet 3?