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Compare data from two different sheets and find variance cause


This is to do a variance check on the two different tabs of data for two different periods.

The operating expense amount calculated in Quarter 4 and Quarter 3 tabs in cells S16 and S15 respectively. As you can see in the spreadsheet Operating Expense in Quarter 4 is more than Operating expense in Quarter 3, I need to find out which items from the table causes this variance. A formula which could help do the job.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Excel Dumbo
Hi Dumbo,

Please check the attached sheet.. If its help you in any case.. then we will discuss about the solution. :)



Hi Deb, THanks a ton for your valuable time and effort. This is exactly what I want

My first question is how did u manage to copy the source data without the sub data in to another sheet.

You have also not included formula in the consolidated area. so i am having trouble understanding how u did this. If you could tell me in brief, that would be great

once again thans a lot deb. u rock!
Hi Dumbo,

* Select All data in Source, and press (Alt + ;) or (Alt + E + G + S + Y - Goto>Special>Visible Cells Only) before press Ctrl + C.

It will select only Source Data, without Sub Data, or Hidden Cell..

* I have not used any Formula to compare.. I have used Data > Consolidate. as both Source has ~(approx) same Left Column

Copy Only Left Columns from Quaretr 4 and, go to Data > Data Tools > Consolidate.

helps to combine Two or more, look a like table in One. by comparing different Method.. i.e SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN...

Select References, from where you need to Consolidate Table.

i.e Sheet1!$A$1:$D$65536 & Sheet2!$E$1:$E$65536 or select the area by Browse.

Then its CONSOLIDATE 's headache, how you need the comparison..

Play with it, Its very Interesting tools and used rare.. :)