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compare cells - writing correct formula


New Member
Hi I have four cells in a column - the data is normally one that is entered.

column        A                                    B
row 1         1                                    1
row 3         (blank can be 0)
row 5         1
row 7         (blank can be 0)
row 9         formula
formula needs to show A1:A4 added up / (here is the crunch) if there is a number more than one number in the group of cells then an error or message needs to appear. The total sum or answer needs to equal what ever is in cell B1.

thank you in advance have spend weeks and weeks and weeks trying to find a solution.
Hi Mark ,

Can you explain some more ?

Given the data you have posted , the sum of values A1:A4 will be 2 ; you also say that the total sum should equal whatever is in B1 ; B1 contains 1. Since SUM(A1:A4) is not equal to B1 , what should happen ?

Can you explain with an example , this part :

if there is a number more than one number in the group of cells

What does this mean ?
