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Combo-box values NOT transferring

Hello again,

I have the below code, which is supposed to take input provided from the user in ComboBox1 'RC_Numbers', ComboBox2 'RC_Name' and Textbox 'Expense' and put them starting in Row 2 in Columns 27, 28 & 29.

It put things in the right place, but somehow 'RC_Name' goes into Columns 27 & 28??

ComboBox1 and ComboBox2 work so that you can pick from either and it populates the other

This programming is all in the Forms.

Any and all help is appreciated.

Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Worksheets("Master")
    If BundleCount.Value > 1 Then
    lCol = lCol + BundleCount.Value + 1
    End If
    lRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 27).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 26).Row
    With ws
        .Cells(lRow, 27).Value = Me.RC_Numbers.Value
        .Cells(lRow, 28).Value = Me.RC_Name.Value
        .Cells(lRow, 29).Value = Me.Expense.Value
    End With
    RC_Numbers.ListIndex = -1
    RC_Name.ListIndex = -1
    Expense.Object.Value = ""
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
    RC_Numbers.ListIndex = -1
    RC_Name.ListIndex = -1
    Expense.Object.Value = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub NewBundle_Click()
    Dim lCol As Long
    lCol = 27
    BundleCount.Value = BundleCount.Value + 1
End Sub
Private Sub RC_Name_Change()
    If Len(RC_Name.Text) <> 0 Then
        RC_Numbers.Value = RC_Name.Text
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub RC_Numbers_Change()
    If Len(RC_Numbers.Value) > 0 Then
        RC_Name.Text = RC_Numbers.Value
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButton1_Change()
BundleCount.Value = SpinButton1.Value
End Sub
Put following right after "With ws" line and see what comes up.
Debug.Print lRow & ", " &  Me.RC_Numbers.Value & ", " & Me.RC_Name.Value & ", " & Me.Expense.Value
Thanks, but absolutely nothing came up at all? When I ran in Debug Mode to see what values it was getting It is still pulling up the RC_Names for both the RC_Numbers & RC_Names.
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You checked in immediate window in VBE?

I'd recommend uploading sample workbook that replicates your issue. Without it, hard to say what exactly is your issue.
Attached is a down and dirty version of what I need. When the Userform 'Receipts' opens it allows the User to either select a RC_Code (Employees Code) or a RC_Name (Employee Name) ((Either selecting Code OR name pre-populates the other)) and enter a dollar amount.
It is then supposed to put the RC_Code, RC_Name & Expense into Columns 27, 28, 29 respectively.

The issue is some where it is putting the RC_Name in both Columns 27 & 28.


  • Demo.xlsm
    20 KB · Views: 3
Your issue is that you are setting RC_Number.Value using RC_Name.Text on RC_Name_Change.

You can change your code to something like below.
        .Cells(lRow, 27).Value = Me.RC_Numbers.Text
        .Cells(lRow, 28).Value = Me.RC_Name.Value
        .Cells(lRow, 29).Value = Me.Expense.Value
AH HA Chiro, you are indeed an Excel Ninja.

Thanks for your help, I'll likely be posting another issue later today !!:eek:
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