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Combining Cells to make a formula


New Member
I would like to combine cells to make a formula.

I have 2 columns of reference data A&B. I would like to combine cells to make a VLOOKUP formula for a separate set of data on a different spreadsheet where I would need to match the number from column A with, and record the number from column B into an adjacent cell.

Essentially I have my formula like this =VLOOKUP(1007,A2:B3298,2,FALSE)

I need for the numbers to stay in order so I combined cells:

C would have "="

D would have "VLOOKUP("

E would be the column copied from the separate spreadsheet with all of the numbers

F would have ",A2:B3298,2,FALSE)"

G I combined the columns using the "&" function/formula and copied the column

H I special pasted "Values" and got the correct formula

Even though I have the correct formula in the H column it will not execute unless I manually go to the Formula bar and hit Enter for each line. Is there a way to make the column execute as there are 3298 lines? Is there a way to combine the formula differently to get the result that I want?



To do this, we need to define a special named range. Select cell H2, then go to Insert - Name, Named Range. Give it a name like "EvalThis". Define as:


Ok out.

Now, in your worksheet, you should be able to put this formula in H2:


The Evaluate function, unfortunately, can not be used natively in the worksheet.
Sorry, I don't know how to delete my post, but I was able to find the correct way to use VLOOKUP to get my desired result. http://www.timeatlas.com/5_Minute_Tips/General/Learning_VLOOKUP_in_Excel

Thank you Faseeh for attempting to assist me.
Hi LadyStace,

The above link leads me to a webpage and that contains a sample excel file and that file is using a simple vlookup() function. Did you mean that your problem has been resolved with visiting mentioned webpage??

Looking back at the original post, it's possible LadyStace found that she could just write:


since all that is changing is the data in E2.
Hi, all!

Well, well, well, ... After reading that LadyStace desisted to use the multi-cell formula construction method, may I abandon my try to build an Excel interpreter? or should I begin with the compiler right now?


Hi SirJB7,

What is an excel interpreter BTW?? :) I once read that interpreters are used to convert certain codes "Machine to something else" ..

Hi Luke M,

I think you are right..


It was a joke, a touch of humour.

An interpreter is a program that translates each time your instructions to convert them to executable instructions each time you run it, as opposed to a compiler that is a program that takes your code once and convert it to executable instructions and stores it in separated object (generally .exe). Second alternative it's much faster than first one.

Building a formula with several cells was something like interpreting and parsing the code to obtain an instruction (formula in this case).
