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Combine multiple Named Ranges into a master Named Range (Column Type Data) and use for data validation in EXCEL 2016 W/O VBA

The first step is to ditch Excel 2016 as unfit for purpose!
With 365 it would be just
= VSTACK(Table1, Table2)
so saving valuable time.
I echo @Peter Bartholomew 's sentiments!
It isn't easy for Excel 2016, however it seems to be done in the attached. Adapted from an idea here:
There are a total of 5 Names in the attached: the 3 source named ranges myrng1, myrng2 and myrng3 (these are highlighted in light green), then there are 2 more for use in Data Validation, one called DataValidtn1 for 2 named ranges to be stacked (myrng1 & myrng2) and another, called DataValidtn2 for 3 named ranges to be stacked (myrng1, myrng2 & myrng3).

For the myrng1 & myrng2 stacking, on a sheet somewhere (I've used cell K10 but it can be anywhere) the formula:
which has to be array-entered (meaning you have to commit the formula to the cell using Ctrl+Shift+Enter rather than the usual plain Enter), then you copy this formula down to at least as many rows as there are rows in myrng1 & myrng2 added together.
The named range (dynamic) DataValidtn1 formula is:

For the 3-named range stacking, the formula (see cell M10) is:
array entered and copied down as before.
The named range DataValidtn2 formula is:

In the attached, see cell A2 for 2 range data validation and cell A5 for 3 range DV.


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