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Combine data in from multiple sheets and show in just one


I might be in the wrong section, but if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated
I have a spreadsheet where each Pm will list all of the Orders they are working on
To make things easier there will be one shared workbook and a tab for each PM
I would like hopefully automatically, or by having a button on the master sheet that gets the data from each sheet, copies it, and pastes on the next free row in the master
Once all rows copies it moves onto the next sheet, copies any data, pastes in the master, and moves on. It would be ideal to data stamp the last cell in each row copied with time and date copied then each PM will know that they can delete the row.

there will be two sets of data collected - To be invoiced, and working on
If anyone can help me with this I can then copy and do the trackers
I have tried KUtools, Enterprise, and Consolidate, and none of them seem to do what I want
So each PM will have an Invoice page
all entries when the master is run will fill in the To Invoice Tab. Each time the process is run it will clear the To Invoice sheet and start again
I have included a what it should look like tab


  • SOP Tracker.xlsx
    16.7 KB · Views: 2
Where is the master?
If 'automatic' then --- You wrote that To Invoice-sheet would clear ... and after that copies each PM's rows there ... okay?
Is it okay, that one user can have that file open - others would be as read-only?
Why each PM could not have own file?
... then each PM could work same time.
The Spreadsheet will be shared on Sharepoint or my one drive. All members can access it and even work on it at the same time.
so when running the task/procedure anything in the To Invoice Tab will be removed so the procedure will collect the data from the other worksheets.
We share loads of documents on SharePoint and one drive without an issue.
we can all have our own but I feel its simpler and tidier to have just the one document. I have a very robust way of making sure everything is religiously backed up and you can easily return to previous versions if a problem when shared
... yes!
Have You used that file without VBA (= manually)?
If as automatic with VBA then
To Invoice-sheet could have only one row data ... as You have wanted to clear always before copying.
If You feel something ... then okay.
ps Still the master is missing?
I don't understand the master is missing
It's all one Workbook, at the moment everyone is doing manually and emailing and I have to collate I just want it all in one place
I have done something like this before but I can't find the file to reference and therefore I am stuck because I only use VBA very occasionally
Your I don't understand the master is missing
If You, seansr, has written the master four time in Your #1 reply - I tried to mark those for You ... so?
I might be in the wrong section, but if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated
I have a spreadsheet where each Pm will list all of the Orders they are working on
To make things easier there will be one shared workbook and a tab for each PM

I would like hopefully automatically, or by having a button on the master sheet that gets the data from each sheet, copies it, and pastes on the next free row in the master
Once all rows copies it moves onto the next sheet, copies any data, pastes in the master, and moves on. It would be ideal to data stamp the last cell in each row copied with time and date copied then each PM will know that they can delete the row.

there will be two sets of data collected - To be invoiced, and working on
If anyone can help me with this I can then copy and do the trackers
I have tried KUtools, Enterprise, and Consolidate, and none of them seem to do what I want
So each PM will have an Invoice page

all entries when the master is run will fill in the To Invoice Tab. Each time the process is run it will clear the To Invoice sheet and start again
I have included a what it should look like tab
Okay, You have worked manually ... I see.
I made a sample for You - it's an automatic version - You can test it.
This won't do that 'clearing' before updating To Invoice-sheet! ... as I wondered.


  • SOP Tracker.xlsb
    33.3 KB · Views: 3
I can't see how to run or the ability to tweak as all locked
I could probably work on to clear the invoice page
I realise what you asking about the master - I would normally add a macro button on the Invoice page (master) so that it will just run
Your: I can't see how to run or the ability to tweak as all locked
a) As I wrote: I made a sample for You - it's an automatic version - You can test it.

... modify any of to PM's sheets data as someone would use those normally.
... I would have given specific instructions, if something specific would need to do.
b) before know needed details ... a sample ... and that is for testing!
c) Your: to clear the invoice page
... as I have written twice ... then To Invoice-sheet would have max one row data ... because other row(s) would always clear before copy!
d) For me, if someone has written eg four times the master, then it have to be something very important.
e) Your: I would like hopefully automatically, - it's an automatic version - as You would like ...
f) Your:
a macro button ... automatic, as You liked - no need that!
... seems You skip almost all my writings ...hmm?
Good Morning Vletm,
I appreciate your help. I didn't read all, for that I apologise, I jumped to conclusions that is wrong.
so I can work with this and to get the new copy each week we can delete the rows already filled in and then each week starts again
because the code is locked I can not amend, so what happens if I have more PM's how do I get it to include more?
If its possible to add a button that clears all data and and formats from the To Invoice tab and clear all data from the individual named invoice tabes that would be great. I can work that one out myself.
I was hoping that based on the Invoice one I could learn from what you have very kindly created for me and replicate it with the trackers
with the Trackers, again each week I need to start with nothing, and to populate, but this time to take the copies from each Tracker and populate the main Tracker. Each week the tracker can be amended, or added to. So each week we need to take a snap shot as of now, so ideally
when Now is activates (button on Tracker page)
Deletes all values and text below the header and copy from the individual trackers, no need to date stamp
I need the ability to be able to add more PM's into the tracker
if its locked I can not learn and reliant on kind people like yourself giving up your time to help
I really appricte your help so far


  • SOP Tracker(B).xlsb
    35.2 KB · Views: 1
I tried to figure
... what are You writing?
... what do You really need?
... as many many .. why?
>> My next sample for testing >>
a) Create PDF-folder to same folder as below
... I really could not figure ... Your snapshot ...
b) I modified some sheet names ... there are rules for those! Rules are many times good!
c) You can add as many PMs as You would like - naming should be done as those
d) Functionality is same - add data - automatic paste
e) Clearing ... if To Invoice- or To Tracker-sheets date is previous week's then there will be question to solve ...
... before Clearing ... the code would create PDF
f) This is still sample! and there won't be any ... buttons!
Screenshot 2020-09-28 at 20.00.56.png


  • SOP Tracker(B).xlsb
    38.7 KB · Views: 4