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Combine Countif and Vlookup


I have 2 columns with 2 formula.
Column M : =IF(J10="","",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet1!$D$6:$K$30,J10),"Car",""))
Column N : =IF(Sheet2!$F2="","",(VLOOKUP(J10,Sheet2!$B$2:$F$332,5,0)))

I tried to combine this 2 formula into one column but somehow it doesn't work.

Any help?
Hi ,

In the absence of a complete statement of the logic , try this :

=IF(OR(J10="", Sheet2!$F2=""),"",IF(COUNTIF(Sheet1!$D$6:$K$30,J10),"Car",VLOOKUP(J10,Sheet2!$B$2:$F$332,5,0)))

Thanks, Narayan.

I have missed out the spreadsheet.
Please find attached file the update.
The formula only works for Vlookup section but not the countif.


  • Sample_Combine_3Col_1.xlsx
    72.1 KB · Views: 4
Hi ,

What explains the outputs in E10 , E13 and E29 ?


Sorry for the errors.
E10 and E13 should follow Column K10 and K13.
H29 - When the number found and match in the "Ref" sheet, a "yes" will be shown.
I have updated the spreadsheet with the correction.
Eventually, I hope to remove column K, L and H and all the results will be found in Column E automatically to avoid human errors when transfer and copy the info from columns K, L and H into E.


  • Sample_Combine_3Col_1.xlsx
    72.1 KB · Views: 6
Hi ,

Try this :

=IF(C10="","",IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(C10&"_"&D10,Ref!$Q$3:$Q$300,0)),"Yes",IF(COUNTIF(DPList!$D$6:$K$30,C10&" / "&D10),"Car",IF(VLOOKUP(C10&" / "&D10,PFList!$B$2:$F$21,5,0) = "","",(VLOOKUP(C10&" / "&D10,PFList!$B$2:$F$21,5,0))))))
