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Column Width


Active Member
Hello Sir,

Good Afternoon

Sir is it possible to increase or decrease a particular selected range column in excel?
Good day sgmpatnaik

Go to the top most row, the one with the alphs abcde ect in, place your cursor between the to letter to the right of the one you want to make wider, left click and drag to the right as far as you wish.

Also if you place your cursor between the columns at the top so that the cursor changes to a double arrow, then double click, this will auto fit to the widest row to show your data

See chandoo's example here

Bobhc and Oldchippy Thanks for your suggestion i mean not like that

my mean is ColumnA Row1 width is 15 and i want to increase the width of ColumnA row 2 = 19 but the columnA Row1,3,4and> width is = 15

it is possible or not with out merging the ColumnA and ColumnB of row 1

So you do not want to resize the columns....to resize the rows select them by clicking in one on the number of the row keep the left mouse button selected and darg your mouse up/down to high light other rows when done right click one of the high lighted rows choose row hight and enter your size
All cells within a column will have the same width, you can't make different rows have different widths.

Another trick is to select 2 cells side by side, then use format cells -alignment - horizontal - center across selection.

If you really must have one cell be wider than all the rest, you'll need to use merge cells.