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College results analysis


New Member
Hello Everybody,

I have problem in analyzing the College exam results. The columns goes like this..

A1.Exam TickettNo, B1.SubjectCode, C1.SubJectName, D1.Theory, E1.Practicals, F1.Credits.

The Database will be having 4000+/- rows and 11 subjects and 300/400 students. Please save me by giving some sort of long term solution. Because I get this task once in every 3 months.

Passing criteria: If the credit is "0" for any of the subject then He/She is failed in all of the subjects irrespective of the no of the marks he/she gains in any of the subject. I feel the difficulty with the University results format. The subject will be coming row wise i.e. subject1, subject2, subject3,in rows c2,c3,c4 respectively. Theory,Practicals,Credits will be coming in columns. Please guide me how to know quickly the following things.

1. No of persons passed and their individual marks in Subject.

2. Individual subject toppers (we take the failed candidates' marks as well in this)

I tried to upload the download link by uploading to some of the file sharing sites.

But somehow it is very slow. But I will mail you all quickly whenever somebody wants it. I will be online for the next 3/4 hours.

Possibly I will try to give the download link after 10 mins.

Thank you very much for your time reading my mail !!


Hello all,

This is the download link for my above problem.


Thanks for every helping hand.


Dear Ninjas,

Any clue about my query? I am eagerly waiting for somebody to involve in this.

Thank you

Hi Fareed ,

Can you please give the following clarification ?

No. of persons passed - Is this based only on the credits being greater than 0 ? Or , is it that after the condition of credits > 0 is satisfied , the marks in each subject should be looked at ? If so , what is the pass mark ?

Hey Narayan,

Thank you for looking at my query first.

If somebody got a "0" credit, just forget about him as he is in the failed list, But one should get a minimum of 40% on an aggregate(total marks/total subjects)to be passed (obviously with all credits >0).

And for counting a topper in an individual subject, we take into account the candidates' score even if he is failed. I think I am clear on this. Ask me if you want anything more. Thank you.

Hi Narayan,

Addl Info:

If he gets <40 in any subject, the credit will be "0" automatically. So now it's more clear I think. I face the difficulty with the format of the database. I have no clue using any right formula to get the info.

Hi Fareed ,

Can you check this file ?


Only the Pass / Fail , and subject maximum marks have been done.


I got it how it is working. I used Index/Match to get my Subject toppers list. Thank you.

Hi ,

Please note that if there are two marks ( in two different subjects ) , which are the same , then INDEX / MATCH will not give you the two different toppers , if they are different.
