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Code Generator


New Member
Hi Guys

Need your assistance please.

Need a code generator that will be using 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 A,B,C,D,E,F to generate a four digit code when a four digit code is supplied. This will not be a random code generated , it will be specific. As at this stage all the codes are not yet known the option should be there for the corresponding codes to be changed.

So to make it short , when a four digit code is entered a specific code will be supplied.

Thanks in advance

Hi Cubexparts

How is your code entered? Do you have a cell where the code is typed? Are you looking this mythical code up from a list in another location? Can you be a bit more specific about what makes up the secondary code. Do you need an algorithm to generate this code or is it gleaned from a list. If you come up with the specifics you should get a more tailored answer.

Take care
