Personally, I don't think it's a good UI design...
At any rate. Since table filtering does not trigger any event on it's own, and slicer does not have selection event.
You will need to set up some trigger. Normally, I'd trigger it on PivotTable update event. However, since this is slicer tied to table... I'd use Worksheet_Calculate() event.
In any out of way cell in Sheet1, enter following.
It does nothing, but will trigger worksheet calculate event upon table filter operation (via slicer).
Then in Sheet1 worksheet module, add...
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
End Sub
That's it. Now any time a change is made on slicer (selection, clear filter). Sheet1 is activated.
As I've said, I'm not a big fan of this sort of set up as user will be jumped to Sheet1 on every change. Personally, I'd just add a hyperlink/object to jump to and from.