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Clustered Stacked Column Chart


I have been charged with creating a stacked column chart with clusters for comparison. I have 13 Machines and I need two clustered columns for each -- one stacked for capacity (80% + 20%) and the second for items assigned to that machine. I've been able to create a stacked column chart for the machines and their assigned products; however, I cannot figure out how to add the capacity column associated with each machine for side-to-side comparison (cluster.)
I'm having trouble uploading, but I will keep trying. In the meantime, let me try to better explain what I need to do. For each machine there is a capacity. I need to show it as a stacked column at 80% capacity with the remaining 20% as a different color. This will NOT be a stacked percentage, but it will rather be numbers representing the 80% and 20% respectively. For each machine there is also a production plan for one or more products. These numbers need to be stacked columns as well and clustered with the associated machine column to compare production plan to machine capacity. In a simple example, the first cluster would consist of one column with 20 units stacked on 80 units. The second column might consist of 3 sections (15 on top of 22 on top of 60 for a total of 97.) Hopefully that gives some clarification and I will add the link to my sample file as soon as I can get it uploaded. Thank you!
Hi Kimber,

Simply upload your file to dropbox's Public folder and paste the link here, its simple. Mean time you can see this:


My files were finally successfully uploaded to dropbox.

My original file:


My answer to Faseeh's post:


Thank you,


Please see this one:

