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Civil Registration Number

I have tried to create a formula to calculate birthday from a (Danish) Civil Registration Number. It seems to work fine in most cases, but not all. I have described the rules and what I have done so far in the attached file. My question appears in J32 and downwards but I think you will need to read all the comments.

There are two named formulas fs (short for fifth and sixth digit) and s (short for seventh digit)


  • CPR.xlsx
    25.3 KB · Views: 7
Oh - I completely forgot that first date in Excel is January 1st 1900. I think that explains what I asked about.
Is there any way around that?

Hans Knudsen

What is 'this problem'?
Didn't You originally search something from A-column?
... and then above ... You wrote something ... number of years from birthday.
Are those same?
Hello Hans
Now I need to check out @vletm's solution but meanwhile here is a fully λ-ised version!
= LET(
    d,     LEFT(CPR, 2),
    m,     MID(CPR, 3, 2),
    y,     MID(CPR, 5, 2),
    tail,  RIGHT(CPR, 4),
    digit, LEFT(tail, 1),
    year,  MAP(y, digit, ExpandYearλ),
    CONCATENATE(d, "/", m, "/", year)
ExpandYearλ(y, digit)
    group,     {0; 4; 5; 9},
    threshold, {0; 36; 57; 36},
    deduct,    {1; 1; 2; 1},
    changes,   IF(threshold < yr, {1; 1; 2; 1}),
    change,    XLOOKUP(VALUE(digit), group, changes, , -1),
    century,   20 - change,
    century & yr



  • CPR.xlsx
    35.6 KB · Views: 7
Here is my formula solution for all Excel versions

In C3, formula copied down:




  • CPR (BY).xlsx
    26.5 KB · Views: 6
Sorry folks. I have just noticed an error in my Lambda function
ExpandYearλ(yr, digit).
I had tested the function with numeric parameters but on the sheet it is called with the numbers held as text. I had converted 'digit' but not 'yr'.
    group,     {0; 4; 5; 9},
    threshold, {0; 36; 57; 36},
    deduct,    {1; 1; 2; 1},
    changes,   IF(threshold < VALUE(yr), {1; 1; 2; 1}),
    change,    XLOOKUP(VALUE(digit), group, changes, , -1),
    century,   20 - change,
    century & yr


  • CPR.xlsx
    35.8 KB · Views: 1
Thank you very much to both bosco_yip and Peter Bartholomew. I have really some work to do here in trying to understand your respective formulas. I wonder if I ever shall be able to understand the Lambda solution.
I know I should have stated the following from the start, but I forgot to. The CPR-may be stated either with or without a hyphen after the first 6 digits that is xxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxx-xxxx with a hyphen actually entered and not appearing as part of formatting. One more thing, when numbers are imported into Excel from other systems for example 0104909995 often will be converted to a 9 digit number 104909995. It seems to me that Peters Lambda-construction can handle the hyphen-thing but not the zero as first digit thing. Could this be handled too?
Hans, it is not any lack of knowledge that makes Lambda difficult, it is the weight of your existing knowledge of traditional methods. Lambda functions do not dictate the formula; any set of logical steps you may suggest can be implemented.

In the present case, a possible approach might be to assume that the text versions with the hyphen "-" are correctly formatted whilst the numerical formats may well be in error. Therefore, a possible solution would be to convert any number to 10 digits plus the embedded hyphen.

= LET(
    s,     TEXT(CPR, "000000-0000"),
    d,     LEFT(s, 2),
    m,     MID(s, 3, 2),
    y,     MID(s, 5, 2),
    tail,  RIGHT(s, 4),
    digit, LEFT(tail, 1),
    year,  MAP(y, digit, ExpandYearλ),
    CONCATENATE(d, "/", m, "/", year)

From that point, everything proceeds as before. In fact, I would claim it to be a strength of LAMBDA/LET that such corrections are reasonably easy to implement and there is only one instance of the formula to be edited.


  • CPR.xlsx
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