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Choosing which vertical grid lines show in a chart


New Member
Hi All,

Is it possible to choose specific vertical grid lines to show in a chart while hiding all the rest?

For example, I would like only to show a line between data points 4 and 5, and another one between data points 10 and 11.

This would be to visually separate the data before and after a change, to help show the effect of the change. For example, to show the decrease in accidents or damages in a warehouse after training your employees. Another example would be measuring productivity before offering incentives, while offering incentives, and then again after the incentive program is over.

We usually just draw lines onto our graphs in between data points, but it's ineffective because they tend to shift and aren't very attractive when copy/pasting or publishing.

Thanks for the help!
You'll need a dummy series, but Jon shows how:
