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Choice box, report and email


Hey Experts,
Still new to VBA, looking for a big help, I have the spreadsheet attached, each quarter i have to send a PDF report via email to each of the recipients with the row that correspond to their data (SHEET: REPORT), unfortunately, I spend hours doing so and can copy the wrong data and send it to other distributors and its a no no. If this is feasible i will be grateful and can focus more time on my studies.
Looking for a way where I will be able to:
Click button
=>Choice box of the WhOTO (distributor code)
=> Select distributor
=> attach the data corresponding to the WHoto from sheet Report and email corresponding distributor in column G and CC: corresponding BDM in column D from sheet MASTER
Body of the message in sheet (eMAIL).
I will be happy to provide any additional clarification.


  • TEST 1.xls
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