You may have look into my VB6/VBa chess program (the strongest VB chess engine available so far)
Chess engine with GUI for EXCEL / WORD VBA - plus edition for winboard with win32 engine
There are two ways to use this chess engine:
1. Use ExcelChessBrainX.xlsm with EXCEL or WordChessBrainX.docm with WORD
(full install needed, viewers are not working) to play games using the GUI implemented in VBA forms.
Files needed: ChessBrainVB.ini for settings, ChessBrainVB_Book.opn, ChessBrainVB_Book.opi for opening book.
Playing strength 2100 ELO (CCRL 40/4 conditions, see
Visual Basic for Applications is used for the chess engine.
This pseudo code is not compiled and 15 times slower than the compiled VB6 EXE for winboard:
calculates about 20.000 moves per second.
2. Use a free chess GUI like ARENA , add ChessBrainVB.exe as winboard engine and play games.(
Files needed: ChessBrainVB.ini for settings, ChessBrainVB_Book.opn, ChessBrainVB_Book.opi for opening book.
Playing strength 2600 ELO (CCRL 40/4 conditions, see
Compiled with Visual Basic 6: calculates about 300.000 moves per second.
GitHub (click <Download ZIP>)