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Check out my Dashboard!


Before I go to Mexico, I've been wanting to post one of my dashboards. I made this in a few days and is one of my simpler ones. It is simple but effective. Some notes:

-Allows for Daily or MTD values to be display

-When the option button is changed at the top right everything will change.(All graphs and values

-The spinner at the top left near the date allows you to see how things slowly change when you press it fast.(Kinda cool effect I guess)

Made it from scratch and now hopefully more people can use this template for their business. This site has given me so much, I am just given back what I can.(More on the way!) Download link below.

Hi, Montrey!

Thanks for sharing that smart piece of art... but I didn't find the most important button!

Where's the launcher for NFS The Run?

Hey Montrey, i am not able to download, may be i am not the premium purchase user, can you forward the file to chandreshjatan@rediffmail.com?
The download link is at the top of the page when you go to the link. But yes, I will email it to you!
Maybe someone else can download it and upload it to a new site for me? People seem to have trouble with the one I use.

Or maybe Chandoo can just put it on his front page. :p


Here's another link to Montrey's uploaded file:

