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Check a value is lying within two columns of Values


New Member
I have a range of data in Column A and B ( starting from 3063,590;3063,690 to 3065,590;3065,690 ), i need a excel formula to check if value of COlumn C (3063,64)lies within any of COLUMN A ; COLUMN B if yes then the formula should return the cell no. of Column A/B

Column A Column B Column C

3063,590 3063,690 3063,64

3197,520 3197,620 3065,64

2556,870 2556,970 3094,64

3065,590 3065,690 3111,57
Hi Prashant ,

Can you clarify the meaning of a value like 3063,590 ? Is it the same as 3,063,590 i.e. 3 million , sixty-three thousand , five hundred and ninety ?

What about 3063,64 ?
