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Charting Question :


New Member

I need a help in one of my charts. I would like to attach that chart here for everyone to see and comment. Would anyone tell me please how I can attach that file here ?

Ok, I shared it here on google docs : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3lk5AcwyMXRdlIxci1JS1lWVE0/edit

The charts show the values overlapped and are not very clear/visible.

Appreciate any help. Thank you
Good day rajesh0667

You can not attach files to Chandoo posts, just upload and if people have an answers they will reply
Hi Rajesh ,

I am not very sure that anything can be done. You can do two things to improve matters a little.

1. Change the format of all Data Labels from whatever it is at present ( it may be General ) to a Custom format 0.0%;; This will ensure that the zero values are not displayed , thus removing some clutter from the charts.

2. Change the Alignment of all Data Labels from the Rotated orientation to a Horizontal Orientation.

Another problem with your charts is the presence of one or two large values , which makes display of the small values difficult ; the following link may help in this regard :


Thanks Narayanan.

I tried to modify the charts accordingly but it doesn't help much in making it more clear or visible. Unfortunately, I don't know how I can go about solving this issue.

I have 4 portfolios and each tab has a different parameter called HC, Revenue, Gross Profit etc which I need to compare and see how they all perform each month with respect to each other.

Is there a better way I can do a comparison of the 4 portfolios (A,B,C,D) and still present the data in a manner which is clear and readable in the charts ?
Hi Rajesh,

Can you please download the below file and check.



Suresh Kumar S
Hi Rajesh ,

Part of the problem is because you have already decided on using a Stacked Column chart. Is this compulsory ? If not , using a Column chart will make it a little better , since the 4 columns will be beside one another , instead of on top of each other , so that the Data Labels can all be configured to display outside each column.

Secondly , where you displaying a value such as 97 % , does it really make a difference whether you display it as 97 % or as 97.32 % ? Eliminate decimal places where ever possible.

Lastly , data labels can be individually selected and moved and placed where ever you want. This is tedious , but it is one solution to make the chart look more attractive.

Thank you Suresh - The chart looks good, but I understand that we can only do that much to get it corrected. Its the nature of the data that is causing this issue. Nothing much can be done about it.

Narayanan - Thanks for your comments. I understand your point. As you mentioned, I can probably make a column chart (rather than a stacked one which I have used right now) to make it more clear. However, for each month I will have 4 bars and that itself will make it look cluttered. But yes, thats one option to look at as well.

I will try to modify it as much as I can from here.

Thanks to you all for help and suggestions.