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Charting data across time


Hello all,

I have attached a file for reference......

Chart needs to have date on the left and a value on the right....
Will have "blank space" in between entries as shown......

Only values on the x axis will be the dates in the column, no blanks in between and no space, looks like here the chart is "filling in" the dates in between the plotted spots.

Thanks for the help!!


  • jcalvacca.2.18.test.xlsx
    11.4 KB · Views: 7
If left side needs to be date and right side needs to be a value ...
It'll be challenge to get dates ... to x-axis ... and so on ...
This would need to get better visual vision if not enough close to Your vision


  • jcalvacca.2.18.test.xlsx
    12 KB · Views: 4

Thanks for the reply ;)

It doesn't need to be laid out that way for data, I can lay it out anyway it needs to be as it will be imported from different part of the spreadsheet.

I believe they will want the x axis to be the "date" analyzed and then the 3 dots stacked up on that date (from Y scale) based on the sketch I'm looking at.

I think main thing is that if there are 4 "dates" than should be only 4 tick marks on x axis.
You wanted dates to left-y-axis ...
if no need then dates could be in x-axis and then there could be 4 tick marks on x-axis.


See attached picture of vision.....
One series is fine.....
Data will most likely have blank lines in between like in example....


  • 20160218_130639.jpg
    641 KB · Views: 6


One step further.....
"Vendor" in a different color on top of the existing data....


  • jcalvacca.2.18.test (1).xlsx
    16.4 KB · Views: 4

How did you handle the blank spaces in the data not to chart....I understand all the rest of the logic with having the two series but I'm struggling having the chart skip over the " " cells.....thanks.
the 'blank' spaces ... hmm ... there were no data, so no action!
'blank' is not same than " " that is 'space' ... 'blank' is nothing!
from 'space' to 'blank' with 'Del'-button.
Are You writing again like 'one sentence from a book'?


I'm sure I am.....

See attached, I got it to this point.....

Complete data to be charted is in A:C, out to row 424 (needs to be able to go that long)...

Filtered out as previous examples to F:I and K:N respectively......
Have the chart look like the ones you made last week :)

Thanks again for the help the last week!


  • Book1.xlsx
    47.1 KB · Views: 3
I can't close up the dates because it's an XY plot and as soon as I make it a non XY plot it puts values which are on the same date into different x categories.


  • Chandoo27918Book1.xlsx
    50.6 KB · Views: 2
S.d to know what have You learnt.
Space <> Blank
full of same formulas
copy - paste
I try to be positive...
Press [Active]-button after You have updated data to columns from A to C


  • Book1 (2).xlsb
    24.3 KB · Views: 5