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Chart Save as Template not available.


New Member
Hello all

This is my first post, so I do hope it's in the right place and in the right format. I did search threads for an answer but could not find an exact match.

I am working on a time series, with just dates and one set of values. I created two charts out of the same data, one line chart and an histogram. I edited both as I wanted. I save the edited line chart as a template to use on a second time series. That worked fine. But when I select the histogram, which I also edited as I wanted, both the Save as Template and the Format Painter are greyed out. I cannot work it out: it's the same data range, and both charts work fine: it is only the Save as Template feature that's missing.

I am using Excel 2016 on Windows 10x64.

Has anyone come across the same issue? Is there anything you would suggest I check to unlock this?

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

Histogram is newly added feature in 2016 (before that, you needed analysis tool pack).

Histogram has different set up than traditional charts in that it requires 2 types of data. Data to be analyzed (used in most other chart types) and bin numbers which represent the intervals by which you measure the frequency (unique to histogram/Pareto).

I believe it was purposefully disabled by MS, for this reason. See link for more detail about histogram.