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CHAR( ) command problem


Hi everyone,

Hopefully there should be a quick answer to this:

I want to include the micron symbol in the following text based formula:

="The concentration of your sample is"&(A1)&" "&CHAR(109)&"M"

Where A1 is a user defined value

Specifically, I'm trying to use the CHAR() command in the above formula.

The problem I have is that If I use the CHAR() command when using normal text (using ASCII (decimal) code) then the micron symbol is not available.

The micron character can be found when using the symbol font code: 109 from Symbol (decimal).

Obviously I could format the cell's entire contents to 'symbol' font to get the micron symbol, but then all the other characters I have within this cell turn to symbol characters - which isn't what I want.

Hope this makes some sense - I look forward to your posts,

Best wishes,

Hi Mark ,

The ASCII code for the micron symbol seems to be 181 ; can you try using this ? Or is this not what you want ?

Hi Narayank991,

Thanks for your message.

Replaced the 109 with 181 and voila: all good :eek:)

Thanks for your help,

Best wishes,
