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Change the layout of a pdf file with the 9 in 1 setting.

Good morning.

I have to modify the layout of a pdf file that originally has the format 1 page out of 1.
I would like the vertical format 9 pages out of 1.
To do this, I arranged the page numbering on an excel file where in column A I indicated the new numbering and in column B the 9 pages of each new page.
Is it possible to do this with a macro?
I entered the same post in another forum:

Thank you


  • pages to print.xlsx
    98.7 KB · Views: 2
1) Do You mean that You would like to 'transform'
from 'Foglio1'-sheets A-column data
to 'Fogilo2'-sheets B-column?

2) What would be connection of any 'PDF'?
the gathering of the pages must take place as in column b for each cell


  • pag 1 + pag 2.pdf
    192.1 KB · Views: 0
  • pag 1.pdf
    250.5 KB · Views: 0
  • pag 2.pdf
    218.2 KB · Views: 1
page 1 includes the pages written in cell b2 of the excel file and page 2 those of cell b3. these files are formed from the original file in the 1 to 1 format and are transformed into the 9-in-1 arrangement and then merged into a single file: pag 1 + pag 2

the file I enclose here and the one in the 1 in 1 version that will be transformed into the 9 in 1 version (obviously some pages are for example "the book is at least 900 pages")


  • book1.pdf
    441.3 KB · Views: 1
I tried to ask two questions.
1) You have sent here a file which has two sheets as below - okay?
There are numbers ... numbers ... numbers - okay?
Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 13.44.08.pngScreenshot 2019-04-24 at 13.46.17.png
Seems that left side 'Foglio1' A-column numbers has 'pasted' to 'Foglio2' B-column - okay?
>> Please reread my #2 question 1 ... and make an answer.

2) What would be connection of any 'PDF'?
Now, You sent some PDFs ... so what?

You've still offered one file with numbers and ... some PDFs.

Something is missing!
The file to be considered is the one attached here that has 2 columns (A and B): pages to print.
The example files are the pdf files that I have attached (there is the pdf file in the 1 in 1 version from which I manually created pages 1 and 2 which I then combined).

with reference to the photos you have attached as an excel file, take into consideration only this one that I am attaching here. Don't consider the other.


  • Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 13.46.17.png
    Screenshot 2019-04-24 at 13.46.17.png
    41.3 KB · Views: 0
You offer one Excel-file and
You refer to some PDFs ...
So far, there are nothing else to print than those numbers from that Excel-file.
As I wrote ..
Something is missing!
my original pdf file and 900 pages (1 * 1 format).
changing the layout (9 * 1) will become 100 pages (900/9 = 100).
the layout of the pages is indicated in the excel file I indicated to you (in the first column there is the new numbering of the pages - page 1 "column a" which contains the pages 1,2,3,7,8,9,13 , 14.15 and so on for the other pages).
The macro must group the 900 pages of the original file so as to become 100 following the order indicated in the excel file.