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Change in Time Format


Excel Ninja
I have a reporting macro, the macro populates the details on the basis of product types.

Customer places an order & it gets time stamped.

We receive all the details in .csv format,

we paste it in the excel for our processing.

A particular time stamp is like “Mon Dec 12 11:22:25 EST 2011”.

I have a problem, I need to show this time stamp as “11:22:25 P.M”.

Is it possible with the help of macro, I do not want to show year, month in the stamp just the place time with A.M. or P.M. details.

I tried combinations of, convert to text, =(right) & = (left), but could not get the final result.

Can anyone help me in this please.
With ActiveCell

.Value = TimeSerial(Mid$(.Value, 12, 2), Mid$(.Value, 15, 2), Mid$(.Value, 18, 2))
.NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss"
End With