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Change Cell color based selected value in another cell


Hi guys,

I don't get the cell color change when I selected desired value in another cell. Please help!!

I think I need to move the second if condition into the first if statement to create if condition and if condition 2

But not sure how to do it.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  If Target.Address = "$N$3" Then
  V = Application.Match(Target.Value, Range("A21", [A21].End(xlDown)), 0)
  Application.EnableEvents = False
  If IsNumeric(V) Then
  V = 20 + V
  [B3].Value = Target.Value
  [D3].Value = Cells(V, 2).Value
  [F3].Value = Cells(V, 3).Value
  [H3].Value = Cells(V, 4).Value
  [B5].Value = Cells(V, 5).Value
  [B7].Value = Cells(V, 6).Value
  [B9].Value = Cells(V, 7).Value
  [B11].Value = Cells(V, 8).Value
  [B12].Value = Cells(V, 9).Value
  [B13].Value = Cells(V, 10).Value
  [B14].Value = Cells(V, 11).Value
  If [$N$3].Value = "Patient 1001" Then
  Range("N10").Interior.ColorIndex = 4
  Range("O10").Interior.ColorIndex = 3
  End If

  If Target.Value > "" Then Beep
  [B3,D3,F3,H3,B5,B7,B9,B11,B12.B13.B14].Value = ""
  End If
  Application.EnableEvents = True
  End If


  • Custom_Filter_Match.xlsm
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