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Chandoo's Gannt chart template + highlighting conflicts

Hi Guys,

Firstly I want to appreciate the efforts put into the blog by Chandoo team and it’s a great place to learn excel and use it within our company roles. Coming to my question I have took inspiration from Chandoo’s template for project management gantt chart(Thanks!). I have made some tailored changes for my purpose. You can find the file at http://speedy.sh/nrzqr/Project-gannt-dummy.xlsx

1. Basically, I have 2 projects running in a flow (Column B). . And online one Project can be worked on at one machine (column C). What I was looking at is identifying machine conflicts. Looking up machine and its date for the above project and highlighting if its similar. ( example – Cell C102)

2. My second question based on the machines and dates is is there a way to produce gannt chart I have given an example in tab – “Machine Gannt”.

I’ll be highlighly greatful your help.

Thanks a tonne!