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Case Time Resolution

Dear All,

Help me to create a macro.

We have a team of 20 members, each having different workbook for their production. Sharing the sample workbook of mine to understand what i need. We get some case# to work as our daily target.

What I need :

I want to create a macro where I want 2 buttons to be created for Start and stop.

What it will do :

The first button will start the time for the first case# and the second button will stop the time. The time for which it counted should be on Column D for the case number and so on for all case.

It should create a measurement time for all the case.


  • Book5.xlsx
    10.1 KB · Views: 6
but when i click the left arrow key when my cursor is on any end cell it gets removed ...

Secondly it should capture the time at first instance as i can see it captures whenever i go to the cell.
Aman Semwal
1) Did You open that file?
2) Did You select eg cell C2 (It would show current time)
3) Did You select after that eg D2 (It would show current time and Used time)
... if You select again C2, then that case will start from zero!
You didn't want to 'continue'-option!

You can 'Start' any number of cases and
You can 'End' any number of 'started' cases as You need.

Your Secondly ...
hmm? What would You mean?