Hi everyone,
I am new, so please be gentle as I do not know excel very well.
My problem is that I have been asked to construct a survey for new students.
I want to use just one sheet for the questions and answers, but also collect the answers on another sheet to analyze later.
The collected answers must match the students ID numbers when they take part
I also want to be able to clear the answers from the question sheet ready for the next student who comes along,
So that when they are finished they submit the answers and it clears the data,
The PC will be used on a open day and will not be supervised so the survey must be simple to use, and able to collect all the answers and student details as anyone taking the survey will be placed into a prize draw for taking part.
Some of the questions will be simple yes or no answers ,using radio buttons, but others are using a text box to fill out their replies.
I am sure that this is old hat to most of you , but if you can help It would be great,
All the best,
Evil Twin
Insanity is a gift....
I am new, so please be gentle as I do not know excel very well.
My problem is that I have been asked to construct a survey for new students.
I want to use just one sheet for the questions and answers, but also collect the answers on another sheet to analyze later.
The collected answers must match the students ID numbers when they take part
I also want to be able to clear the answers from the question sheet ready for the next student who comes along,
So that when they are finished they submit the answers and it clears the data,
The PC will be used on a open day and will not be supervised so the survey must be simple to use, and able to collect all the answers and student details as anyone taking the survey will be placed into a prize draw for taking part.
Some of the questions will be simple yes or no answers ,using radio buttons, but others are using a text box to fill out their replies.
I am sure that this is old hat to most of you , but if you can help It would be great,
All the best,
Evil Twin
Insanity is a gift....