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Capital Investment Appraisal Model


I'm trying to find a solution for this: my company's current model is using a dangerously old Excel version (developed 1997!!). I'm finding it surprisingly hard to find one, especially ones for sale where the provider guarantees upgrades and bug fixes for a defined period. (There are plenty of investment portfolio models, but not so many for depreciating fixed assets, and none that take into account taxes and depreciation.)

Can anybody point me in the right direction? Many thanks in advance...


It should include the following inputs, at a minimum:
  1. Investment amount and depreciation period
  2. Ongoing revenues and costs
  3. Any non-revenue cash inflows or outflows
  4. Tax rate %
  5. Discount rate
Outputs should include at a minimum:
  1. NPV
  2. IRR
  3. Payback years
  4. "DCF payback" years
I think you're looking for a specialized financial modeling software that handles depreciating fixed assets with consideration for taxes and depreciation. While I can't provide real-time updates on available software, you may want to explore financial modeling platforms like Quantrix, Synario, or Adaptive Insights. Ensure the software supports your specific requirements and has a commitment to regular upgrades and bug fixes. Additionally, consider consulting with a financial software specialist for tailored advice based on your company's unique needs.
I think you're looking for a specialized financial modeling software that handles depreciating fixed assets with consideration for taxes and depreciation. While I can't provide real-time updates on available software, you may want to explore financial modeling platforms like Quantrix, Synario, or Adaptive Insights. Ensure the software supports your specific requirements and has a commitment to regular upgrades and bug fixes. Additionally, consider consulting with a financial software specialist for tailored advice based on your company's unique needs.
Thanks Monty for your share. I will follow up the platforms you mention.