I have a puzzle for you.
I have macros stored in an external reference workbook (for a number of reason that I will not bore you with).
To help this work, I have a function to test if the external workbook is open, and open it if it isn't.
this function is called 'openWBSRefWorkBook'.
Now, if i call this with a test sub, within the calling workbook (see attached), it works fine. that is, if the workbook isn't open, it opens it.
But, when I call it from through the functions it fails to open the workbook. Not only that, it doesn't throw any errors, it is like it doesn't even run the code line. I can copy the workbook.open statement to the immediates window and it works fine. If the the workbook is already open, the functions work fine.
Also, I am referencing a .xlsm workbook. But I've tested the code with .xlsx books as well.
i am baffled.
I have macros stored in an external reference workbook (for a number of reason that I will not bore you with).
To help this work, I have a function to test if the external workbook is open, and open it if it isn't.
this function is called 'openWBSRefWorkBook'.
Now, if i call this with a test sub, within the calling workbook (see attached), it works fine. that is, if the workbook isn't open, it opens it.
But, when I call it from through the functions it fails to open the workbook. Not only that, it doesn't throw any errors, it is like it doesn't even run the code line. I can copy the workbook.open statement to the immediates window and it works fine. If the the workbook is already open, the functions work fine.
Also, I am referencing a .xlsm workbook. But I've tested the code with .xlsx books as well.
i am baffled.
' 1
' the function
Function openWBSRefWorkBook(Optional scriptWB As Workbook) As Boolean
' script assigns the arg to the external workbook,
' either already open or open it
Dim macroBookName, macroBookPath, fName
Dim RefWB As Workbook
macroBookName = getWBSReferenceNames("wbName")
' this function call simply returns the book name as a string
' already open
On Error Resume Next
Set RefWB = Workbooks(macroBookName)
On Error GoTo 0
' else open it
If RefWB Is Nothing Then
macroBookPath = getWBSReferenceNames("wbPath")
' dido, but instead the Ref Wbk path
fName = macroBookPath & "\" & macroBookName
On Error GoTo 0 'Resume Next
Set RefWB = Application.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=fName, ReadOnly:=True)
On Error GoTo 0
End If
' finish and return
If RefWB Is Nothing Then
openWBSRefWorkBook = False
' assign to passed WB, if one was passed
If Not scriptWB Is Nothing Then
Set scriptWB = RefWB
End If
openWBSRefWorkBook = True
End If
End Function
' 2
' sub for testing the function
' using htis will open the workbook
Sub example_OpenAndCloseScriptWorkbook()
Dim scriptWB As Workbook
' reference the reference workbook
'''gotRefWB = openWBSRefWorkBook(scriptWB)
gotRefWB = openWBSRefWorkBook
If Not (gotRefWB) Then
MsgBox "failed to open the workbook!", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
' Close the reference workbook
CloseRefWB ' function to close work book by name
End Sub
' 3
' production that will not open the work book (if it is closed)
Function exampleFunction (passedInArg As String) As String
' test if the WB will open
Dim result As Boolean
' ensure external workbook is open and build the call string
Dim macroName As String, CallStr As String
macroName = "theMacroToRun"
CallStr = makeCallString(macroName)
' exits at this if statement - due to the error I'm encountering
If CallStr = "" Then
GoTo errorExit
End If
' do
result = Application.Run(CallStr, passedInArg)
' exit and return values
exampleFunction = result
Exit Function
exampleFunction = Null
End Function
' 4
Function makeCallString(macroName As String) As String
' ensure that the reference workbook is open
gotRefWB = openWBSRefWorkBook
'FAILS HERE, as gotRefWB returns 'False'
If Not (gotRefWB) Then
makeCallString = ""
Exit Function
End If
' build the call string
macroBookName = getWBSReferenceNames("wbName")
makeCallString = macroBookName & "!" & macroName
End Function