Active Member
I've written a script to get phone numbers of different leads populated against each search from a certain webpage. When I run my script, It performs a search in that page by using a searchbox then click on the search button. When the result produces, the scraper goes for each link to click and finally when the destination page appears it parses the phone number and repeat the process. Here is where I'm stuck. My scraper throws "permission denied" error after collecting a single lead. The phone number is available in the source code so there is no need to click on the number to reveal it as it is being shown in the third pics.
Few days back , I encountered the same problem while dealing with another site then sir chihiro advised me to go for using dictionary to get rid of that error and I found it working that time. For some reason I can't make it work here. Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
The search I made in the searchbox is : "Markiser & Persienner" without the quotes.
The script I've tried with:
For your consideration, I have attached all the three pages my scraper traverses to collect phone numbers.
Few days back , I encountered the same problem while dealing with another site then sir chihiro advised me to go for using dictionary to get rid of that error and I found it working that time. For some reason I can't make it work here. Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
The search I made in the searchbox is : "Markiser & Persienner" without the quotes.
The script I've tried with:
Sub Get_Phone()
Dim HTML As HTMLDocument, posts As Object, ele As Object
Dim elems As Object, elem As Object, ldic As Object
Dim post As Object, phnum As Object, key As Variant, URL$
URL = ""
Set ldic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With New InternetExplorer
.Visible = True
.navigate URL
While .Busy = True Or .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
Set HTML = .document
End With
Do: Set posts = .querySelector("input[name='vad']"): DoEvents: Loop While posts Is Nothing
posts.innerText = "Markiser & Persienner"
Set post = .querySelector("button[type='submit']")
Do: Set elem = .getElementsByClassName("result-row__item-hover-visualizer")(0): DoEvents: Loop While elem Is Nothing
For Each ele In .getElementsByClassName("result-row__item-hover-visualizer")
ldic(ele) = 0
Next ele
For Each key In ldic.Keys
key.Click '''[permission denied error] throws here after being executed once
Do: Set phnum = HTML.querySelector(".phone-number-hidden__number strong"): DoEvents: Loop While phnum Is Nothing
R = R + 1: Cells(R, 1) = phnum.innerText
Next key
End With
End Sub
For your consideration, I have attached all the three pages my scraper traverses to collect phone numbers.
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