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Can you use the "find" function to build a new list?


New Member
I have not learned excel, so I am working on this with frustration.
The following is my little project,
I downloaded my entire contact list (over 7000 contacts) from my iPhone into an excel spreadsheet.
Next, we must pull every contact with the word “agent” to make a new list. The new list will only have the agent's contacts.
I will need to sort and clean out the data from the new list to get a good working list to upload into a CRM platform for my work.
Can someone help me with this?
depending on the layout = is the word Agent in a column ? with other words ?
what version of excel do you have - as FILTER() may work for this if latest version 365

a sample of you data would help here
A SMALL sample spreadsheet, around 10-20 rows, would help a lot here, with all sensitive data removed, and expected results mocked up and manually entered, with a few notes of explanation.
yes, got the latest version 365. Ok I hope I can do that, I have no skills in this application however, I will give it my best :)
just a sample is all we need - maybe take the 1st 10 of the contacts you have and copy to a new spreadsheet and clear the name and phone number columns - or anything else sensitive
i have a play around later
you can use filter
I have put in sheet2
=FILTER(Sheet1!A1:C20,Sheet1!C1:C20="agent","No results")
A1 to C20 is all the contact list - in sheet1
C1:c20 - is the column with Agent in Sheet1

maybe this link which explains may help

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depending on the layout = is the word Agent in a column ? with other words ?
what version of excel do you have - as FILTER() may work for this if latest version 365

a sample of you data would help here
A SMALL sample spreadsheet, around 10-20 rows, would help a lot here, with all sensitive data removed, and expected results mocked up and manually entered, with a few notes of explanation.


  • sample-work list.xlsx
    9.9 KB · Views: 3
I have added a column with the formula

so it searches the column C details where it contains the word AGENT and then returns a TRUE or FALSE
We can change to search for A
we can also change so rather than TRUE / FALSE it outputs - Agent or blank

then on sheet 2 - I have extracted all the details where the new column = TRUE

so you have a list of AGENT ONLY

Are these made up names and address or real - as i mentioned
with all sensitive data removed


  • sample-work list-ETAF updated.xlsx
    12.5 KB · Views: 2
you can use filter
I have put in sheet2
=FILTER(Sheet1!A1:C20,Sheet1!C1:C20="agent","No results")
A1 to C20 is all the contact list - in sheet1
C1:c20 - is the column with Agent in Sheet1

maybe this link which explains may help

see sample here
I just got to my laptop, Thank you I will try it out!
As Mentioned
Might want to use search instead of find since find is case sensitive.
I have updated to use Search


  • sample-work list-ETAF updated-Search.xlsx
    12.7 KB · Views: 5
I have added a column with the formula

so it searches the column C details where it contains the word AGENT and then returns a TRUE or FALSE
We can change to search for A
we can also change so rather than TRUE / FALSE it outputs - Agent or blank

then on sheet 2 - I have extracted all the details where the new column = TRUE

so you have a list of AGENT ONLY

Are these made up names and address or real - as i mentioned
they real names and ph #'s I was sure how to blank out the content with deleting the sheet
I have setup the data with no real information

I have asked a moderator to delete all the OLD spreadsheets - as this is a public forum


  • sample-work list-ETAF Annom.xlsx
    13 KB · Views: 2
All of this is still not sinking in my brain as to how I can extract all the "agent" contact data out of the 7200 contacts in the excel sheet. Do I open the worksheet and use a formula or use the search key?
do I take all the data from the bulk list of 7200 contacts and send the data to the sheet you set up to get the desired results?
Instead of adding a new column to the source data, you can incorporate that into the Filter function; so in any cell:
This can be made to look a bit neater by replacing zeroes in the result with "":
ps. I note that when column A contains agent column C also always contains agent, but the reverse cannot be said, so I filtered according to column A.
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