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Can you nest an IF - Vlookup?"


New Member
Good Morning,

I am having issues with the commissions file template provided; we have two different commissions structures based on tenure, each structure has a tiered value system.

I have tried



However it does not work consistently, attached in the sample file is the data; in column O is the formula above but as you can see in column P the data does not match Column L 100% of the time. Is there a better formula to use or is there a different formula that I should try?

the errors occur with the wrong tier for payout

Thanks for your help!


  • info on formula for relo commissions.xlsx
    13.2 KB · Views: 5
Your cell G5 contains the value "New " (with a space), not "New" as in your formula. So the test in the IF(G5="New" returns false, where you'd expect true.

I notice that in the column "L" you only do 1 type of vlookup (in the first table), that is also why you have "does not work" in your column P.