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Can someone please help me nest two sumifs together?

Love excel

New Member

I would like to apologize if I am posting a question that has already been answered. I've been through sumifs questions and answers and a lot of the questions and language are over my head.

I have a workbook where I created a lot of calculations where a formula that I don't know how to write would probably do. I beleive that what I want to do is create two sumifs formulas and subtract one from the other. I've tried various ways to write it out, so far unsuccesfully.

Trying to sum contractor production with a few different variables. I want to create a table where it excludes one particular variable, that includes a number of sub variables. I hope I am making sense?

Maybe I can explain better with my workbook?

Hi, Love excel!

Maybe you'd want to give a look at this link, perhaps you find there the guidelines that might help you solving your issue:


Hi ,

In case you are still looking for a solution , please clearly specify in which cell(s) you want the formula , and what input cells the formula should consider ; your worksheet has so much of data spread all over that it is going to be time-consuming to look at all the dependencies and arrive at a conclusion on my own.

When presenting a problem , please don't look at it with your eyes ; look at it from a stranger's eyes ; making someone else understand contractor production is going to take more time than explaining that the formula in M7 should look at the data in the range O43:O127 , and if it matches the text in L7 , return the corresponding summation of values in the range C43:C127.

Hi Love excel,

I think this is a production report from cutting/inspection floor of a Garment Unit?? :)
