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Camera Tool

Good day vatluri3101

The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar in which you can store frequently used commands so that they're always accessible with just one click. You can add commands to the QAT by dragging them directly from the Ribbon or by going through the Customize menu.

Follow these steps to add the Camera tool to the QAT:

1. Click the Office icon in the upper-left corner of Excel.

2. Select the Excel Options button to activate the Excel Options dialog box.

3. Click the Customize button.

4. In the Choose Commands From drop-down list, select Commands Not in the Ribbon.

5. Scroll down the alphabetical list of commands and find Camera; double-click to add it to QAT.

6. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.

When you've taken these steps, you'll see the Camera tool icon in your Quick Access Toolbar. Not surprisingly, the icon for the Camera tool looks like a camera.