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Calculating Percentages in Excel


Hello everyone.

I could use some help with Excel percentages. Plus I will do my best to be as succinct as possible.

1. I have 5 worksheets that I need to build a summary page for. Same format and formulas on the summary page as on all the worksheets. How do I do this for percentages without going into the summary page and rebuilding all the formulas (so that they calculate off the summed numbers)? If the answer is that I have to do that, I can. I was just hoping there was an easier way.

2. What if the percentages that I put into the worksheets are the drivers of the numbers? In other words, I want to increase sales 15% with brand A, which equals $125,000. And Brand B by 8.5% which equals $9,800. Etc. How do I get to a summary page and give the % increase that I’m planning for the company? Summing doesn’t do it, so do I sum up the increased sales numbers and calc them against the sum of the sales from this year? Obviously, I’m looking for an easier way!


Hi, cubs610!

I'm afraid you can't do it as simple as you want, tried yet using consolidate built-in feature selecting the proper operation for each range?
